Guide of Tulipism:

1. The Tulip as a Symbol of Life:

In the Church of Tulipism, the tulip is revered as a symbol of life, growth, and transformation.
Followers believe that just as a tulip bulb lies dormant in the ground,
individuals can overcome challenges and bloom into their full potential.

2. Seasons of Life:

Tulipists believe in the cyclical nature of life, drawing parallels between the changing seasons and human experiences.
Spring represents new beginnings and growth, while winter symbolizes introspection and rest.

3. Unity in Diversity:

Church of Tulipism preaches the idea that just as tulips come in various colors and shapes, humanity should embrace diversity and find unity in its differences.
It encourages inclusivity and respect for all cultures and backgrounds.

4. Nurturing the Soul:

Tulipists emphasize the importance of nurturing one's soul and personal growth.
They believe that, like tulips, individuals need care and attention to thrive.

5. Environmental Stewardship:

The Church of Tulipism promotes environmental consciousness, seeing nature as a source of inspiration.
Followers are encouraged to care for the Earth, as they believe it is essential for the continued blooming of life.

6. Acts of Kindness:

Kindness is considered a fundamental tenet of Tulipism.
Practitioners are encouraged to perform acts of kindness and support one another on their life journeys.

7. Rituals and Practices:

Tulipists may engage in rituals such as planting tulip bulbs during the spring equinox to symbolize new beginnings,
or they may hold ceremonies during the autumn equinox to reflect on personal growth.

8. Reverence for Beauty:

Followers of Tulipism appreciate the beauty in life, art, and the natural world.
They see beauty as a source of inspiration and connection with the divine.

9. Non-Dogmatic Philosophy:

Church of Tulipism is intentionally non-dogmatic, allowing individuals to interpret its teachings in a way that resonates with them personally.
It values personal spiritual exploration and growth.

10. Community and Support:

- Tulipist communities serve as places of support and connection,
where individuals can share their personal journeys and find encouragement from like-minded people.